Our story
Plans for Leigh Youth Hub began in May 2021, when 400 young people responded to a council survey and described what they most wanted from a potential new youth facility. Leigh Youth Hub opened its doors to young people at the end of 2022, offering informal activities including arts and crafts, table tennis, pool, and an Xbox, as well as a computer room, where young people can catch up on their homework in a quiet space.
Local young people have continued to have their say and help shape the development of Leigh Youth Hub.
Recently, our Senior Youth and Community Worker, Karen Campbell and our Youth and Community Worker, Hannah Jenkins were the guests of the My SENsibility’s ‘Chaos and Calm’ Podcast, where they discussed all things Leigh Youth Hub. You can watch the episode in full here: https://youtu.be/P7yDSWuYuV8?feature=shared